What does this mean in terms of new experiences our players can look forward to in the near future? Well, for starters we are working on adding data for RPM, Speed, Gear and pedal inputs to the driver information live stream overlay (in Release Candidate, these functions are already enabled within the in game replay function), plus new overlay elements and other graphical and modding tweaks amongst other changes – of course these are all still very much in development (with more to be added), so we can talk about that again when the latest internal beta build gets closer to Release Candidate status. Within this Beta build, several areas of rFactor 2 have been reviewed and worked on by our development team here at Studio 397, with focus being particularly placed on live stream overlay features and functionality and further UI tweaks. These are our public facing builds, however we also have a selection of private versions of the simulation for our internal testing, one of which, our ‘Beta’ rFactor 2 already contains a healthy number of fixes that we will be looking to move to ‘Release Candidate’ status in the very near future.
As has been the case in the last couple of months, we have continued with our new policy of hosting four distinct build branches of the simulation on Steam. ‘Opt Out’ remains our current public stable build of rFactor 2 and is the default, ‘Release Candidate’ is a build containing our latest improvements that the community can choose to download and offer feedback, ‘Previous Release’ is a copy of the last stable build of the simulation prior to the most recent changes and ‘Old UI’ is a now depreciated build of rFactor 2 that retains the old UI functionality of the sim, but will not be subject to any future updates. This past four weeks we have continued our recent push to with the development of rFactor 2 and address some important issues within the simulation that need further exploring and rectifying before we can start adding new and improved features to the software. I’m sure that the community will have plenty of questions about how this acquisition will impact the short, medium and long term of the team and software, and we will of course communicate with the wider public about this new ownership arrangement when it is appropriate, but rest assured that now more than ever work continues apace back in the studio as we continue our mission to deliver the best sim racing experience possible to our awesome community, and with that in mind, let us take a look at what to expect from the immediate future of rFactor 2, and a few select highlights from the month of March. RFactor 2 to be Acquired By Motorsport Games | More Details: Click Here. Not only will the joining together of these two companies help to strengthen our long time future here at the studio, but without doubt the ability to tap into the substantial resources of Motorsport Games will certainly help in our quest to accelerate the future prospects of rFactor 2 and the many other projects we at Studio 397 continue to be involved with on a day-to-day basis. Understandably, this is a major development for the team here at Studio 397 and something we are extremely excited about as we look to ramp up the progress we have made with rFactor 2 in recent years. Now I’m pretty sure you will have seen our big announcement at the start of the month relating to the impending purchase of Studio 397 by our colleagues at Motorsport Games. Happy end of the month everyone – another four weeks of intense activity logged and complete here at Studio 397 as we prepare to say goodbye to month three of 2021, and edge ever closer to those long awaited and much anticipated warmer days of summer.Īlready we have enjoyed a very strong opening to the year here at the studio, with plenty of new content, fresh build updates and improvements to existing content releases – but we most certainly don’t intend to let our collective foot off the gas anytime soon – far from it in fact.
Studio-397 returns with the third update of this year making a tour of all the new features incorporated in the sim during this last month and the new advances that will coming soon.