You can find plenty of online businesses that sell used car rims and used truck rims. While the quality of rims is lower at salvages, you can look at their quality grades and perform your own inspection. The lowest quality junked rims, will often be sent off for scrap metal recycling. They don’t do a tight inspection of rim and wheel and put the rims into stacks based on their quality grade. These salvages take in junked automobiles and then resell the functioning parts. Vehicle salvage yards tend to have the lowest quality used car and truck wheels, but cheap prices. The advantage of getting rims at these places is the ability to inspect them yourself. You can find mid to high quality used rims for sale at used tire shops. Some used tire shops may even fix an old rim if it is repairable and then sell it. If they intend to sell the wheels they will do a close inspection and grade them before selling. It makes sense because sometimes when they get used tires the wheels come with it. Places that sell used tires often carry used rims. Most places that sell used rims are also the same places who buy used rims. Typically you can find both used car rims and used truck rims. They types of places you can find used wheels are used tire shops, vehicle salvage yards, online stores, and private owner sales on Ebay Motors and craigslist. The map above covers your primary sources for buying used rims and wheels. Who Sells Used Rims – Where to Buy Second Hand Wheels for Cars and Trucks